Annual Thanksgiving Meal

  • November 18, 2023

On November 18, 2023, the Phyllis Wheatley YWCA Board of Directors and executive staff hosted its annual Thanksgiving Dinner for the residents.

 We had an incredible turnout of more than thirty residents, who raved about the delicious meal prepared by SmokeDatt.

The Kemp family, who are longtime Phyllis Wheatley life members and always answer the call to lend support, returned again this year to help with the event and graciously agreed to handle the food service.

We enjoyed several musical selections by Tanya Harper, a vocalist from Twelfth Street Christian Disciples Church. Our partners from Faith in Action Church offered an incredibly inspiring program focused neuro-adaptability and the power we have to frame our own perception of our lives through faith.

It was a joyful way to kick off the 2023 holiday season!

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